Excursion destinations around the Goglhof

Here you can find all excursion destinations around the Goglhof in Fügen in the Zillertal:

Goglhof Inn - Farm Holidays in Fügen in the Zillertal Valley

FeuerWerk – WoodExperienceWorld

An extraordinary event location, an attractive excursion destination, an unusual cultural site and a culinary venue.

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Goglhof Inn - Farm Holidays in Fügen in the Zillertal Valley

Zillertal bird life and nature trail

In large bird aviaries and a walk-in free flight hall, an attempt is made to recreate the environment of native bird species, thereby providing an insight into their natural habitat.

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Goglhof Inn - Farm Holidays in Fügen in the Zillertal Valley

Swarovski Crystal Worlds

Experience a sensual journey into a fascinating crystal world. The magical underground structure with its six chambers of wonder is protected by a water-spouting, watchful botanical giant.

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Goglhof Inn - Farm Holidays in Fügen in the Zillertal Valley

Show dairy Fügen

Experience the unique Zillertal show dairy Fügen. Here you can observe how the “Hochfügener Almkäse” is produced from silo-free raw milk.

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Goglhof Inn - Farm Holidays in Fügen in the Zillertal Valley

Spieljoch show mine

On the trail of mining. The show mine in the Öxeltal can be reached from the Spieljochbahn mountain station via the Knappensteig trail in approx. 45 min. reach

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Goglhof Inn - Farm Holidays in Fügen in the Zillertal Valley

Zillertal Railway

Ride with the steam train from Jenbach to Mayrhofen (37 km). Special features: Steam train, open wagon, barrel wagon, hobby train and many more.

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Goglhof Inn - Farm Holidays in Fügen in the Zillertal Valley

Zillertal High Road

48 km panoramic road at up to 2,000 m above sea level, magnificent views of the Zillertal, Inntal and the breathtaking high mountains Zillertaler Hauptkamm.

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