Culinary delights at the Goglhof

Your restaurant in Fügen in Tyrol

We at the Goglhof are a family business for many years and therefore we especially care for the tradition and the well-tried delicacies, the home cooking and a good meal in the Zillertal environment. Specialties of the house are Melchermuas, the Zillertaler Krapfen, Schweinshaxen or Rippelen.

Of course, light delicacies also await you and the team of the Goglhof will be very happy to organize everything around your wedding, family celebr ations such as birthdays, baptisms, first communions or company parties.

For every occasion we have the right guest room or a large hall that can accommodate up to 200 people. You see a culinary visit to the Goglhof in Fügen is always just right. You can find our current menus here.

You want to bring our culinary delights to your home? Then we have a recipe for you to try at home!